Financial Settlements on Divorce

At Longmores, we give you financial security for your future without unnecessary conflict.

Our team of experienced family lawyers have a strong track record of helping individuals agree the financial aspects of their divorce in as amicable and fair a manner as possible. This tends to save time, anguish and helps to reduce legal costs. Our clear advice will give you an objective assessment of your options which means we spend our time on the points that we believe are really worth fighting for.

We adopt a constructive approach and aim to avoid anguish where we can by negotiating a settlement that is fair to both parties. If your case cannot be settled then we will work hard in court to reach the best possible financial settlement on your behalf.

How we can assist with financial settlements on divorce

Our experienced family solicitors canprovide expert advice and assistance on  matters including:

  • Tracing and evaluating spousal assets to ensure our clients get the settlement to which they are entitled.
  • Advising on and negotiating financial settlements to achieve the best outcome for our clients.
  • Preparing court documents to convert the financial settlement into an order of the court.
  • Agreeing court strategy for contentious financial claims in order to present your case in the best possible light.
  • Enforcing financial orders.

Reasons to choose Longmores for help with financial settlements on divorce

We take time to get to know our clients as individuals so that we understand what matters to them. We support you through what may be stressful and uncertain times with clear, objective advice that aims to deliver the best outcome possible for you and your family.

We prefer to enable clients to come to an amicable agreement that is fair to all parties, regardless of the issues. This can help to reduce stress and also costs.

We are members of Resolution, a national group of family lawyers committed to a non-confrontational approach to family problems, encouraging solutions that consider the needs of the whole family, especially children.

Contact our divorce solicitors in Hertford today

If you are considering getting a divorce and require legal support, contact our divorce solicitors today. You can call us on 01992 300333 or complete our enquiry form, and a member of our legal team will be in touch.

Our expertise in dealing with financial settlements on divorce

Our experts can assist with matters including:

Tracing and evaluating spousal assets to ensure our clients get the settlement to which they are entitled

Tracing and evaluating spousal assets involves the process of identifying and assessing the financial resources owned by each spouse. Taking a thorough approach, we can ensure that a fair and equitable settlement is reached.

Advising on and negotiating financial settlements

Our experts have extensive experience in dealing with the financial aspects of a divorce. They will provide you with clear, frank and realistic advice on the likely financial settlement that is achievable.

Negotiating divorce settlements refers to the process of reaching mutually agreeable terms for the division of assets and financial responsibilities in the short and long-term. Typically, this will involve discussions, compromise, and support from our experts to achieve the best outcome for you and your family.

Preparing court documents to convert the financial settlement into an order of the court Once the terms of a financial settlement have been agreed, the next step is to convert the agreement into an order of the court, which involves the preparation of an application for a Financial Consent Order.

Our experts have extensive experience in drafting Financial Consent Orders, which is the  document that details the financial agreement that has been reached. The document sets out how the finances, including pensions, will be split between the parties and will include any agreed provision for maintenance payments . Once a judge has approved the Financial Consent Order, it is legally binding and can be enforced should either party later breach the terms of the order. In the absence of a consent order, either party could make a financial claim against the other in the future.

Agreeing court strategy for contentious financial claims in order to present your case in the best possible light

If a case cannot be settled then financial remedy proceedings will need to be issued or, if agreed, the matter will be dealt with through arbitration.  From the outset, our experts will plan your case strategically to achieve the best possible outcome for you.

Enforcing financial orders

If one party fails to comply with the terms of a Financial Order then the other party will need to make an application to the court to enforce the terms. There are different enforcement methods available. Our team can support you in making a suitable application to the court to recover what is owed.

Case Studies

  • Acted for a wife in relation to divorce and finances in which both parties were foreign nationals resident in England.  They had assets of around £12m, based on and offshore.  We secured the jurisdiction of the English court to deal with the divorce and finances and advised the wife in relation to the husband’s disclosure and settlement. We obtained tax advice in relation to the implications of the proposed settlement and thereafter struck a generous deal for the wife that provided her with more than 50% of the assets.
  • Advising a wife in a difficult case covering many aspects of financial remedy proceedings.  The opponent was a high earner with a media profile who headed a multinational and multi centred company with a charitable element.  Disclosure was extremely limited and all financial information was required to be carefully analysed in order to find hidden assets including those held offshore.  Numerous applications needed to be made in relation to disclosure including production notices which had to be served on English and international financial institutions.  Freezing orders were also obtained in relation to property and assets including bank accounts.  A legal services order was obtained against the husband to pay the wife’s ongoing legal costs.
  • Acted for a wife in financial remedy proceedings successfully obtaining a favourable financial award where the opponent owned a number of property companies.  We dealt with difficulties in obtaining full disclosure and an evidential dispute as to the length of the marriage.  Further dealing with forensic accountants and surveyors reports and numerous witnesses who were required to give evidence in court.
  • Successfully challenging the terms of a pre-nuptial agreement on behalf of a wife, who was moving from the jurisdiction, on the basis that the terms of the agreement did not take into account the current needs of the family and the capitalisation of spousal maintenance.  Obtaining additional financial provision on behalf of the wife within financial remedy proceedings.

Contact our divorce solicitors in Hertford today

If you are considering getting a divorce and require legal support about the financial settlement for your divorce, contact our divorce solicitors today. You can call us on 01992 300333 or complete our enquiry form, and a member of our legal team will be in touch.


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