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Business Breakfast Club

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You are invited to Business Breakfast Club – a networking event for business leaders from Hertfordshire and North London hosted by Azets, Longmores Solicitors and NatWest.

Join us for networking, a buffet breakfast and presentations from two guest speakers.

Caroline Plummer, Acas (Conciliation Manager)

Are Workplace Disputes Avoidable?

Many workplace disputes are avoidable, some are necessary. Early intervention and alternative forms of dispute resolution can be beneficial in both circumstances to avoid situations deteriorating and the stress and expense of tribunal or court proceedings. Caroline will explain the rules and the role of Acas in aiding the process of resolving workplace disputes when things do go wrong as well as offering some advice on improving workplace relations.

Caroline Plummer joined Acas in 1996 after working for the Employment Tribunal Service and Redundancy Payment Service. She currently manages a team of highly experienced conciliators and mediators whose role is to resolve disputes between individuals and their employers improving employment relations in the East of England. Caroline’s career history involved leading a number of different teams for Acas, she has project managed several initiatives to improve the services Acas provides and has undertaken individual and collective conciliation herself. Caroline holds a MCIPD qualification in HR and Post Graduate Certificate in Individual Dispute Resolution.

The Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (Acas) is a non-departmental public body of the Government whose purpose is to improve organisations and working life through the promotion and facilitation of strong industrial relations practice.

Miranda Mulligan, Longmores (Senior Solicitor)

Agreements in Practice

Miranda will share tips about how you can reach and implement agreements to resolve employment disputes in your business. She will cover the employment policies you should have in place in case a dispute arises. Miranda will also deal with the mechanics of how you reach an agreement, including without prejudice conversations and settlement agreements.

Miranda is a solicitor specialising in advising businesses on employment law. She has experience bringing and defending employment tribunal proceedings, as well as being an accredited mediator. Miranda also helps her clients with contracts of employment, consultancy agreements and settlement agreements. Miranda is ranked as a Rising Star in The Legal 500 and is an accredited mediator.


To book your space at the Business Breakfast Club networking event, please email bookings@longmores.law.

The event will be held in the Hawthorn Room at Hanbury Manor.

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